
Assignment 3: Advanced Exploration of Digital Self-Representation in New Media (Julianna Durham)

  Recreating me: An exploration of identity through the production of AI selfies Objective  In this assignment, I attempted to replicate different versions of myself through the creation of AI selfies. These selfies were meant to capture identities I felt I had portrayed digitally through platforms like Linkedin and Meta, which I challenged by creating two selfies that provided deeper insights into my personality and perspective.  This objective comes from the idea that people are multifaceted, and intentionally create specific restrictive or exaggerated representations of themselves.  Hogan (2010) takes Evring Goffman’s overview of how individuals have a front stage self that they portray to various audiences, and how we act to produce a certain image of ourselves, and considers how that applies to our participation in the digital world, ultimately framing that that behaviour extends to the way we represent ourselves on social media. In doing so, he analyzes how we ...

Exploring Identity through AI-Generated Selfies: Digital Selfie Creation.

Jon Gelinas - Exploring Identity Through AI-Generated Selfies

Julianna Durham Assignment 2

Exploring Identity through AI-Generated Selfies - Vera Chen

AI = Awfully Irritating