Digital Literacy Snapshot-Brandon Wladyko

 Digital Literacy Snapshot Reflection

I’m in an interesting age demographic because I’m one of the last generations who remembers what it was like before social media, the internet, and plentiful handheld devices (yes, there were cellphones, but they weighed 10lbs and looked like bricks with buttons). I think this fact, in addition to where I grew up, made me a little more resistant (if not skeptical) of social and digital media. At this point, I think I’m reasonably well integrated, but 95% of my social media use is with the express purpose of staying in touch with friends and family. Other digital media (Amazon, for example) I keep for convenience or because it’s become a social standard (LinkedIn). Otherwise, I have no real desire to have any presence on social medias that values likes, going viral, or trending. So, in the end, I keep my presence limited and only focused on the social and digital medias I think I truly need.      

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  1. Hi Brandon!
    Your video made me laugh many times! The "lost in the Amazon" and OnlyFans meme were two favourites LOL. I also found it very helpful, as I am someone who struggles juggling social media use and I think you've found a good balance to take note of! Thanks for the fun watch!

    1. Thank you, Ashvaria! I'm never really sure if my jokes and references are going to land, so I'm glad you enjoyed it!


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