Digital Literacy Snapshot - Thomas Kassian

Digital Literacy Snapshot - Thomas Kassian

Here is the link to my video!

Creating this video was a reflective journey through the evolution of my digital identity. I enjoyed pairing visuals, music, and platform screenshots to bring my story to life, highlighting how my web of connections has expanded and shifted over time. As I revisited platforms like Club Penguin and Instagram, I realized how my online presence has both grown and streamlined. In some ways, my digital world has contracted. I care far less about likes or follower counts on Instagram as those metrics feel less relevant to me now. However, it has also expanded with platforms like LinkedIn, where I focus more on professional connections and how I am perceived in a career context. I do think I have slowly been growing to emphasize meaningful engagement over superficial validation and that is a trend that I hope continues.


  1. Hi Thomas!
    Great work! I really enjoyed your use of visuals especially (the Pusheen appearances were so fun!). Club Penguin is a platform I never got into, and am kinda sad I missed out on the hype, and the ability to connect with other penguins like you did! Thanks for a great video, I enjoyed watching it!


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