AI-Generated Digital Selfie - Sterre Koelewijn


AI-Generated Digital Selfie - Sterre Koelewijn

I used Microsoft Co-pilot to create a digital selfie, initially focusing on my hobbies and including my curiosity about AI in the prompt. I was surprised by how well the selfies captured my personality, with subtle AI elements. However, they didn’t match my physical appearance, so I refined the prompts by adding details about my hair and eye color. Unfortunately, these changes didn’t capture my personality or interests as well, so I shifted the focus back to reflecting my personality. The image needed to show warmth, as I enjoy socializing, and I wanted to incorporate my hobbies to highlight my curious nature. To represent my attitude toward AI and the course readings, I aimed to have the selfie hold a phone displaying book recommendations, but despite several attempts, I couldn’t achieve this.

There were two main issues. First, AI had difficulty combining both the phone and my hobbies in the same image. The results either showed the phone or hobbies. Second, Co-pilot generated text to reflect my hobbies, but the text was often inaccurate or nonsensical. I also tried removing details about my appearance and only mentioning my nationality, trying to solve this issue. However, this resulted in a stereotypical image showing Dutch food and buildings while completely ignoring my personality and hobbies. This also reflects Gunter’s (2023) worries about AI potential biases, as removing details about my appearance created a stereotypical image, completely ignoring my other character traits and interests. Therefore, I eventually decided to use a prompt for digital overlays, like binary code or AI-inspired graphics. This helped reflect my curiosity about AI while incorporating my hobbies.

After some trial and error, I returned to my original prompts, which had produced the best results so far. I incorporated more details on my appearance, resulting in a final image that captured both my personality and interests. The selfie somewhat aligns with my self-perception, reflecting my hobbies and love for exploration, and the images show warmth and curiosity. However, I was unable to get the appearance to resemble me, as my face profile differs from the generated image.

