
 This COMM 555 course on New Media Narratives has been a brand new experience for me given that it enables me to write blog in multimedia ways like audio, visual, and picture. One of the most enlightening aspects of this course was exploring the complex relationship between technology and identity through the lens of artificial intelligence.

TikTok, unlike more traditional social media platforms, offers a dynamic and highly interactive environment where AI features significantly enhance user engagement and content creativity. The platform's AI algorithms not only suggest content but also actively assist in creating visually engaging selfies through various filters and effects. This functionality extends the boundaries of traditional self-portraiture, introducing a new dimension where AI collaborates with users to craft their digital identities.

The use of AI to create enhanced selfies on TikTok raises essential ethical questions, particularly concerning authenticity and the representation of individuality. As these tools become more sophisticated, they risk promoting a standardized beauty ideal, potentially sidelining the rich diversity of user appearances and expressions. This phenomenon underscores the critical need, as discussed in academic insights such as those by Chubb, Reed, and Cowling (2022), for AI systems to encompass a broad spectrum of cultural and aesthetic norms to prevent a homogenized digital culture. The ethical concern is also the offending privacy by disseminating my selfies around the TikTok

From the numerous topics covered, my key takeaways revolve around the need for a balanced approach to technology. While AI can greatly enhance our capabilities to generate and structure content, the human element—our emotions, experiences, and cultural nuances—remains irreplaceable. This course has instilled in me a newfound appreciation for the authenticity that human touch brings to digital narratives, an aspect often diluted in purely AI-generated content.

All in all, this I immersed my self in pin interest, wikipedia editing, technobiophilla, and social media protest, and AI selfie. This COMM 555 enables me to grasp the critical analysis.
