
 Reflection on Navigating the Evolving Landscape of New Media Narratives

ThNew Media Narratives course has been an eye-opening experience for me. I have been introduced to a number of fascinating topics that have changed how I think about writing, publishing, and storytelling in the digital age. I must say that I was already somewhat familiar with the impact of technology on traditional narrative forms. However, this course has expanded my understanding since it covered topics in a deeper way that I already knew. Now, I have a better grasp of the intersections of new media, AI, identity, and social movements.

One of the most transformative modules for me was Module #9 on "Completion Selfies and Future-Casting & Review." Saving the best for the last, you might say! Nonetheless, the readings on the future of storytelling and the role of AI were insightful. The article by Bryan Kramer titled, "The Future of Human Experience is Narrative Input," was an eye opener. I could not help but agree with Kramer as he made a compelling case for how AI can enhance rather than replace human storytelling. Kramer (2018) argues that on one hand,machines can analyze data and identify emotional arcs. However, true narrative mastery requires the subjective, context-driven qualities that only humans possess. This idea of "humanistic AI" really resonated with me. I thought it speaks to the unique strengths we bring as storytellers, even as we increasingly collaborate with intelligent technologies.

Similarly, the Adobe article on Project Aero was insightful. The article highlighted how augmented reality (AR) has the potential to revolutionize how we experience and create narratives. The article argues AR paired with the power of AI-driven cloud services brings a seamless blending of the digital and physical worlds. This opens up vast new creative possibilities. I was particularly fascinated by the concept of AI systems understanding the concepts such as lighting, texture, and spatial awareness to ensure AR content is optimally integrated into the real environment. This level of contextual intelligence seems crucial for AR narratives to feel truly immersive and impactful.

Beyond these technological innovations, another key takeaway from this course has been a deeper appreciation for the diversity of new media narratives. I have also seen the importance of inclusive representation. Modules like Module #4 on identity and Module #8 on crowdsourcing really challenged. Going forward, I will aim to critically examine whose voices and perspectives are being amplified (or marginalized) in digital spaces. One exercise that showed me the importance of this was the Wikipedia editing assignment. This exercise opened my eyes to the significant gaps in coverage of Indigenous and minority experiences. As a result, I am now more inspired to be more proactive. For example, I will be seeking out and uplifting diverse narratives, not just in my own work, but also in the media I consume and the online communities I engage with.

Looking to the future, I will approach new technologies and digital tools with a better understanding and also a critical lens. Previously, I only marveled at the latest AI writing assistants or AR storytelling platforms. However, now will strive to understand their underlying biases, limitations, and implications for representation. At the same time, I am optimistic about the potential for these innovations to enhance and expand the possibilities of narrative expression. However, this can only happen as long as we maintain a human-centered focus.Additionally, the discussions around the power of social media to mobilize movements and amplify protest narratives have made me more conscious of the role I can play as a digital citizen. Moving forward, I hope to leverage social media and other online platforms not just for personal expression, but also to engage with important social and political issues.

In conclusion, this course has shaped my understanding of new media narratives. The modules covered different topic such as the rise of AI-generated fiction. Each module has opened my eyes to new perspectives. The course has also challenged me to think more critically about the intersection of technology, storytelling, and identity. I must say that I am grateful for the opportunity to engage with these vital topicsI am confident that the knowledge and skills gained will inform my approach to narrative in the digital age.


Kramer, B. (2018, April 5). The Future of Human Experience is Narrative Input. Bryan Kramer.

Adobe UK Team. (2024). Adobe Previews Project Aero: Augmented Reality and the Incredible Future of Storytelling.
