Reflection - Sarah Mate


Reflecting on my experience in this New Media Narratives course calls to mind many thoughts and reactions. 

One of the highlights was the exploration of various AI powered tools, and the theory behind AI Narratives in research and storytelling. I found myself captivated by the endless possibilities, yet also conflicted by the ethical considerations surrounding AI based technology. Learning how to create prompts for the AI tool I used for the selfie assignment was an enlightening experience – I realized that in order to use these tools effectively, learning how to prompt them will be paramount, and is similar to learning a new computer language to ensure the system provides the output the user is looking for.

Another highlight was the introduction of the theory of Technobiophilia. As a person who often feels guilty over my own screen time, it was refreshing to read about how natural this is in today’s technology-based world, and how humans can use technology to make meaningful connections with the natural world.

Some of the assignments I enjoyed most were the protest audio, as I felt it gave me an introduction to podcasting, the Wikipedia editing as there is a lot more work involved than I originally expected, and the peer review assignment, which gave us the opportunity to both enrich our own work but also gain experience with providing constructive feedback to a colleague. 

Although the course material was quite interesting, I must admit that I found the numerous readings and assignments challenging to keep up with, which sometimes hindered my ability to fully absorb the content. That said, as I reflect on my journey through the New Media Narratives course, I am grateful for the knowledge I have gained. This challenging yet rewarding experience has deepened my appreciation for the constantly evolving landscape of new media storytelling, and I feel as though I have added several new tools to my communicator toolbox.



  1. Thank you for sharing Sarah. I appreciate that feedback especially the bit about the work requirements. Thank you!


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