Reflection - Parker MacDonald

    As the semester draws to a close, it`s time  to reflect on what we learned about digital media and story creation in this course. From exploring the historical evolution of writing and publishing to tackling contemporary issues like AI storytelling and the meaning of selfies, this journey has been nothing short of enlightening.

    One of the most insightful aspects of this course was the examination of the role of digital media in shaping narratives. We analyzed the tools and skills needed to participate effectively in the digital publishing environment and constantly investigated how technology impacts the way stories are told and consumed.

    The module on AI narratives was particularly exciting. By experimenting with different AI platforms such as NovelAI, I was able to experience first-hand the possibilities and limitations of artificial intelligence in storytelling. Creating AI-powered narratives opens our eyes to the complexities of handing over creative control to machines, while also highlighting the unique opportunities it presents for improving storytelling.

    But perhaps the most thought-provoking module was on the expression of identity and #selfies. In an age dominated by social media, the act of self-expression has taken on a whole new meaning. Through critical analysis and practical production, I realized the power and danger of selfies as a form of digital expression. It`s not just about taking pictures. It is about creating a narrative of identity that reflects personal, cultural and social aspects.

    Among the memorable readings, the discussion of technobiophilia stands out. It was both refreshing and enlightening to explore the intersection of nature and technology in shaping our digital experiences. It made me rethink my relationship with technology and how it can be used to foster a deeper connection with the natural world.

    As I reflect on the key takeaways from this course, one thing is clear. Digital media is a powerful tool that can both shape narratives and be shaped by narratives. The way we interact with digital technologies, including AI-generated stories, selfies, and social media activity, has a huge impact on how stories are told and whose voices are heard.

    I look forward to applying the insights gained from this course to my future professional practice. Whether it's critically evaluating the stories I encounter or considering diverse voices and perspectives, I'm dedicated to leveraging technology as a force for positive change.

    In conclusion, this course was a journey of discovery and growth. This has led me to think critically about the role of digital media in shaping narratives and has given me  the tools and skills to navigate this ever-evolving landscape. As I move on to the next chapter of my academic and professional journey, I will continue with a new appreciation for the power of storytelling in the digital age.
