
 Reflections on COMM 555: Navigating New Media Narratives

As I draw near the end of my journey in the COMM 555 course on New Media Narratives, I find myself enveloped in a profound appreciation for the intricate dance between technology and personal identity—a theme that has both challenged and expanded my understanding of digital communication.

 Embracing Multimodal Blogging

One of the first novelties I encountered in this course was the concept of multimodal blogging. Traditionally confined to text, the blogs I created here incorporated audio, visuals, and other multimedia elements. This approach not only enhanced the aesthetic appeal of my blogs but also deepened the engagement, allowing me to communicate in more dynamic and nuanced ways.

The AI Influence on Identity

A significant part of our discussions revolved around the use of artificial intelligence in shaping digital identities, particularly through platforms like TikTok. Unlike traditional social media, TikTok uses AI to suggest and even help create content, pushing the boundaries of how we perceive and present ourselves online. This interaction with AI has been both fascinating and unsettling, especially as we explored the ethical implications of AI-enhanced selfies. These discussions have prompted me to think critically about authenticity and the representation of individuality in the digital space.

 Ethical Considerations in Digital Representation

The ethical dimensions of AI in social media, as highlighted by scholars like Chubb, Reed, and Cowling, have left a lasting impact on me. The potential for AI to promote a homogenized beauty standard raises questions about the diversity and authenticity of digital expressions. Moreover, issues surrounding privacy and the non-consensual use of personal images have urged me to consider the broader implications of sharing content online.

Broader Insights and Personal Growth

Engaging with diverse topics such as technobiophilia, social media protests, and Wikipedia editing has broadened my perspective on how technology intertwines with nature, activism, and information dissemination. These experiences have not only enriched my academic understanding but have also instilled a more profound respect for the human elements in technology—the emotions, experiences, and cultural nuances that AI cannot replicate.

Future Directions and Personal Changes

Moving forward, I am inspired to change how I interact with technology. I intend to seek out and amplify diverse voices and narratives, particularly those underrepresented in digital platforms. Additionally, my perception of selfies has transformed; I now view them as more than mere pictures but as expressions of identity that deserve thoughtful consideration, both in creation and consumption.

In conclusion, COMM 555 has been a transformative experience that has reshaped my approach to digital narratives. The course has not only provided me with tools and concepts to enhance my content creation but has also deepened my appreciation for the delicate balance between technological advancement and authentic human expression. As I continue to navigate the ever-evolving landscape of new media, I carry with me the lessons learned and a keen awareness of the ethical, cultural, and personal dimensions of digital technology.
