Reflection- Gladis Batman

This course provided a great learning opportunity, especially regarding various topics that were new to me, such as Technobiophilia, content creation with Pinterest, and the concept of the selfie.

In the AI Narrative Module, I've learned about the synergies between human intelligence and AI, recognizing that combining the two can lead to faster and more efficient processes. While AI has evolved significantly, it still lacks certain human capabilities and is subject to limitations. Additionally, I've gained insight into the importance of Transliteracy in navigating the digital world and developing a comprehensive understanding of social media narratives.

Technobiophilia, as I've discovered, offers a compelling means of bridging the gap between the environment and technology, demonstrating how technology can seamlessly integrate nature into our daily lives. Humans can still connect with nature through technology, and this connection can have the same impact on their well-being as experiencing nature in person. Embracing Technobiophilia not only enhances our relationship with nature but also enriches our digital experiences, fostering a deeper appreciation for the natural world.

The selfie, on the other hand, serves as a digital representation of ourselves on social media platforms, providing us with unparalleled flexibility in shaping our online personas. These digital identities offer a sense of comfort and freedom, allowing us to express ourselves in ways not always achievable in the physical world. Additionally, I've learned about the significant impact of the selfie in creating a particular image and presenting ourselves online. Selfies can convey messages effectively and have a strong impact on others, attracting followers, supporting business development, and playing a crucial role in shaping activism and social movements.

Pinterest, I used to believe that Pinterest was solely a platform for sharing photos related to crafts, art, and fashion. However, I've come to realize that Pinterest is much more than that. It serves as an excellent platform for content curation, interaction, marketing, and communication among people who share similar interests. My exploration of Pinterest through the assignment was a valuable learning experience that broadened my understanding of the platform."

One reading that left a lasting impression on me is "Visibly aging femininities: women’s visual discourses of being over-40 and over-50 on Instagram" by Katrin Tiidenberg. This article delves into the nuanced visual and textual rhetoric employed by women in middle age on Instagram, shedding light on how they navigate societal expectations surrounding aging, fitness, fashion, and independence. By challenging stereotypes and embracing their individuality, these women convey powerful messages through images and hashtags, advocating for a reevaluation of societal norms.

My key takeaway from this course is the realization that social media is not merely a platform for communication but also a reflection of our identities and interactions. It has become an integral part of our daily lives, offering opportunities for self-expression and community engagement. Moving forward, I aim to approach social media with a deeper understanding of its narrative and impact, mindful of the content I consume and share. 

Before undertaking this course, I approached social media with caution, unsure of how to navigate its complexities. However, through comprehensive discussions and analyses, I now have a clearer understanding of its role in shaping societal narratives and behaviors.

I am deeply grateful for the wealth of knowledge I have gained throughout this course. 

Thank you, 
