Module 9: Course Reflection - Peace Omodele


                                  Reflecting on my COMM 555 Journey

                                           Screenshot of my first assignment in the COMM 555 course

As a master's student with a background in health communications currently working in an environmental non-profit, the journey through COMM 555: New Media Narratives has been a very interesting one for me. The course, meticulously crafted by Dr. Jessica Laccetti, has offered a panoramic view of digital media's role in writing, editing, and publishing, with a particular emphasis on new media narratives and the intricacies of their production.

The course's structure, encompassing a diverse range of modules from AI narratives to identity representation and technobiophilia, has provided a comprehensive understanding of the digital landscape. Each module, with its focused topics and activities, has contributed to a deeper appreciation of the multifaceted nature of new media narratives. The hands-on experience with digital tools, such as creating AI-assisted narratives and engaging with platforms like Pinterest, has not only helped me hone practical skills but also fostered an in-depth understanding of the digital technologies that shape contemporary narrative practices.

One of the most impactful aspects of the course has been the exploration of the selfie as a narrative of representation. The assignment on digital self-representation challenged me to critically analyze and articulate the complexities of self-representation in new media, focusing on the interplay of technology, culture, and identity. This task resonated with my background in health communications, where the portrayal of identity and the ethical considerations surrounding digital representation are paramount. The readings, particularly those by Liu et al. (2018) and Tiidenberg (2017) provided insightful perspectives on the role of selfies in social movements and the nuances of aging femininities on Instagram.

                                                                Photo by Google DeepMind

The concept of technobiophilia within the course offered a fascinating lens through which to view the intersection of technology and nature. The concept of integrating nature into technology resonated deeply with me, also aligning with the values of the organization I currently work, where we strive to promote environmental stewardship and sustainability. I am excited about the potential to incorporate technobiophilic principles into our digital communications strategies, fostering a deeper connection between our audience and the natural world. Furthermore, learning how to use and engage with Pinterest more effectively has also opened up my mind to new avenues for creative storytelling and visual communication that I could incorporate into my work.

The historical perspective on the evolution of books and the impact of AI on book marketing was also enlightening. Understanding the shifts in publishing and the role of digital technologies in shaping contemporary narrative practices has broadened my perspective on the possibilities of storytelling in the digital age. As someone involved in communications, the insights gained from this module have sparked ideas for leveraging AI and other digital tools to enhance my storytelling efforts and reach a wider audience.

In conclusion, COMM 555 has been a pivotal experience that has expanded my horizons and equipped me with the knowledge and skills to navigate the dynamic landscape of new media narratives. It has been a journey of discovery, critical reflection, and intellectual growth that I will carry with me as I continue to explore the intersection of technology, narrative, and environmental communications.


Liu, F., Ford, D., Parnin, C., & Dabbish, L. (2017). Selfies as Social Movements. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 1(CSCW), 1–21.

Tiidenberg, K., & Gómez Cruz, E. (2015). Selfies, Image and the Re-making of the Body. Body & Society, 21(4), 77–102.

Photo by Google DeepMind:

