Module 8 Mini Assignment - Wikipedia Edit - Gabby, Peace & Selena

 Bridging Indigenous Wisdom with Digital Environments: A Technobiophilic Approach 

Our group integrated Indigenous perspectives within the newly coined “Technobiophilia” concept on Wikipedia. When we first visited the page, the existing content touched on the potential benefits of nature-inspired technologies. To us, this was an opportunity to expand on Indigenous-led practices, such as healing through nature, as a natural extension to Technobiophilia’s principles.


Initial Technobiophilia Page

The Approach

Given the sparsity of information, we dedicated an entire section towards "Indigenous Contributions" with subsections including Traditional Ecological KnowledgeSpiritual and Cultural Perspectives, Traditional Practices and TechnologiesLanguage & Storytelling and Community-Led Initiatives. This allowed us to illustrate in greater depth how Indigenous perspectives support the integration of digital technologies. Additionally, our contributions align with the page’s initial bullet points, which emphasized the promotion of respectful human-nature relationships, nature-based technology design and ethical considerations. Accordingly, this strengthened the acknowledgment of Indigenous knowledge systems and their role in shaping sustainable and culturally sensitive approaches to technology.


Ethical Observations

When we first visited the Wikipedia page, we noticed the imbalanced representation of contributors surrounding the Technobiophilia concept. While Timothy Beatley is prominently quoted, the originator of Technobiophilia Sue Thomas receives minimal recognition, whereby her work is framed as a mere “extrapolation” of Beatley’s research. This, and the fact that Beatley has a bio page while his peer Teresa Heinz doesn’t, both exemplify, “...the glass ceiling for women in Wikipedia’s editorial as well as representation,” (Gupta & Trehan, 2022, p.134). Therefore, particular attention should be paid to ensuring fair representation of authors on crowdsourced platforms, followed by corrective measures. 


The incorporation of Indigenous perspectives within Wikipedia’s Technobiophilia page illustrates how technology allows us to use our own voices to amplify the voices of others. Not only did this exercise enable us to enrich the page’s content, but it also alerted us to the ethical sensitivities that arise on wiki platforms, including gender bias.



Basso, K.H. (1996). Wisdom Sits in Places: Landscape and Language Among the Western Apache. 

Cajete, G. (2000). Native Science: Natural Laws of Interdependence. Clear Light Publishers.  

Gupta, S., & Trehan, K. (2022). Twitter reacts to absence of women on Wikipedia: a mixed-methods 

analysis of# VisibleWikiWomen campaign. Media Asia49(2), 130-154.

Iseke-Barnes, J., & Danard, D. (2007). "Indigenous Knowledges and Technology: Creating Environmental 

Justice in the Twenty-First Century." American Indian Quarterly, 31(2), 220-238. 

Smith, L.T. (2012). Decolonizing Methodologies: Research and Indigenous Peoples. Zed Books Ltd. 

Turner, N.J., & Berkes, F. (2006). "Coming to understanding: Developing conservation through 

incremental learning in the Pacific Northwest." Human Ecology, 34(4), 495-513. 




  1. Great job on adding Indigenous perspectives to the "Technobiophilia" concept on Wikipedia. By carving out a section for "Indigenous Contributions," you've really broadened the discussion around how traditional ecological knowledge can mesh with modern tech.

    Also, pointing out the gender bias in how contributors are represented on Wikipedia is important. It shows there’s still work to do in making sure everyone gets proper recognition. This isn’t just about adding content; it’s about making sure the platform is fair and accurate for everyone.

    Overall, your effort to make the page more inclusive and detailed is not only helpful for readers wanting to learn about sustainable technologies but also serves as a reminder of the power of digital platforms to promote diverse voices.


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