Module 8 Mini-Assignment - Wikipedia Edit- Junfu


I  decided to edit the Fushimi Inari-Taisha for the module 8 assignment because recently my AI selfie was took on this site. I found the history part has limited content and lack of specific time for the history of Fushimi Inari-Taisha. Using my recent research and authentic source , I completed an edit to the Fushimi Inari-Taisha Wikipedia page. 

The Fushimi Inari-Taisha Wikipedia page only demonstrates the a little about the history of Fushimi Inari-Taisha and doesn't show the historical importance of shrine. I chose to add the content for the History, which includes the shrine's religion and importance in the history. 

My addition to the  the Fushimi Inari's historical importance might be helpful for the tourist to grasp the history of Fushimi in depth. One of the primary challenges was ensuring that the edits reflected the complexity and nuances of the religious practices at Fushimi Inari-taisha and their parallels to the Kasuga-Kofukuji complex. In the realm of religious studies, particularly when dealing with non-Western traditions, it is vital to present information that is not only accurate but also respectful and representative of the beliefs and practices of those who follow these traditions. Another challenge was finding reliable sources that discuss these syncretic practices in depth. While the reference by Cali and Dougill provided a strong foundation, the responsibility of representing less-discussed perspectives in a widely referenced digital space like Wikipedia required careful consideration and a thorough understanding of the subject matter.

The importance of digital advocacy in this context cannot be understated. Wikipedia is often the first point of reference for many individuals seeking information. The lack of diverse perspectives on such platforms can perpetuate a limited understanding of complex cultural and religious systems. By including narratives that highlight the syncretism of Shinto and Buddhist traditions, I contribute to a more inclusive and comprehensive knowledge for the history of Fushimi Inari 

The experience has underscored the power of digital platforms in shaping our collective understanding of the world. It's a powerful reminder that inclusivity in digital spaces is crucial for the equitable representation of cultural narrative.


Cali, Joseph, and John Dougill. Shinto shrines: a guide to the sacred sites of Japan's ancient religion. University of Hawaii Press, 2012.
