Module 7 Technobiophilia Mini-Assignment-Nilufar Kargasova

Technobiophilia: Nature and Human Interactions in the Digital Age.

For this assignment, I have chosen the reading "Technobiophilia: Nature and Human Interactions in the Digital Age" by Yasuyuki Yamaoka. The author discusses the positive influence of technologies on people's lives by explaining the different ways people can become closer to nature.

The first way of becoming closer to the environment around us is through cyberspace. Here, people don't physically go to the forest and explore the species there, but they learn through digital means that can provide a very similar experience. For instance, watching fauna and flora documentaries can provide mental satisfaction and a connection with physical nature. Additionally, virtual experiences, even digital art or a poster, can have a great influence and bring inner peace with the environment.

Furthermore, the author discusses the idea that technology can lead people to desire spending more time in physical nature. Viewing visual and moving images can become a catalyst for a strong desire to be inspired by the nature around us. As a result, we become more willing to spend time outdoors, connecting with the environment.

Additionally, the author points out that technobiophilia creates more possibilities. For instance, people with various disabilities can have the experience of learning about nature and feeling a sense of connection with it, without the limitations of physical distance. This makes technobiophilia a great way to connect more individuals with nature.

Lastly, Yasuyuki talks about the potential changes that technobiophilia could bring to the world. Today, we face the challenge of climate change. However, technobiophilia can be a great way to inspire people to take better care of the environment around us. By creating images and movies about nature, we can encourage many people to become active fighters against climate change.

Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y., & Weeks, M. (2022). Technobiophilia: Nature and human interactions in the digital age. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 9(1), 2068823.


  1. The idea that exposure to digital representations of nature can foster a stronger desire to engage with the physical world is an optimistic view on the potential of technology to inspire environmental stewardship. This argument underscores the importance of how we utilize technology to connect with and appreciate our natural surroundings. It suggests that technology, when used thoughtfully, can be a powerful tool in motivating individuals to seek out real-world experiences and develop a deeper bond with the environment.

    The concept of technobiophilia as a means to include more people in experiencing nature, particularly those with disabilities, is another significant aspect of Yamaoka's work. This inclusive approach not only democratizes access to nature but also emphasizes the role of technology in bridging gaps between individuals and their environments. It is a reminder of the potential for technology to create positive societal impacts beyond entertainment or productivity.

    Lastly, Yamaoka's discussion on the role of technobiophilia in addressing climate change is particularly noteworthy. By leveraging digital media to inspire a connection with and concern for the natural world, there is potential to mobilize collective action towards sustainability. This approach highlights the critical role of narrative and imagery in shaping public perception and action, offering a hopeful perspective on the power of digital technologies to contribute to environmental conservation.

  2. In today's digital age, technobiophilia has emerged as a fascinating concept that showcases the positive intersection between technology and our innate connection with nature. One significant aspect is the role of cyberspace in fostering this connection. Through digital mediums like documentaries and virtual experiences, individuals can immerse themselves in the wonders of the natural world, gaining knowledge, appreciation, and a sense of tranquility without physically being present in nature. This virtual immersion not only satisfies our curiosity but also nurtures a deeper emotional bond with the environment, highlighting the transformative power of digital content in shaping our perceptions of nature.

    Moreover, technobiophilia acts as a catalyst for inspiring outdoor engagement. The exposure to visually rich and captivating images of nature through technology often sparks a desire to experience it firsthand. This desire fuels a shift towards spending more time outdoors, engaging in activities like hiking, camping, or simply enjoying natural landscapes. Thus, technobiophilia not only enhances our virtual connection with nature but also motivates us to actively seek and appreciate the beauty and serenity of the natural world in our physical surroundings, fostering a harmonious relationship between technology and nature. In my opinion, this harmonious blend of technology and nature represents a promising pathway towards a more sustainable and fulfilling lifestyle, where our digital experiences enrich and complement our real-world interactions with the environment.


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