Mini assignment(Module 8)- Wikipedia Edit for Indigenous and DEI Narratives- Nilufar Kargasova

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence

Ethics of artificial intelligence - Wikipedia

For this assignment, I have chosen the ethics of artificial intelligence because it's a concerning issue that has been discussed in many of our previous assignments.

I've identified four main points that can improve the Wikipedia page on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence:

  1. The page discusses many aspects of AI bias and misinterpretation, but it could be improved by considering indigenous communities. Unlike individualistic societies, indigenous cultures often value traditions and knowledge collectively. Because of this, some aspects of their culture may be considered sacred. Therefore, including data about indigenous people in AI systems might be unethical without proper representation or consent for information about their traditions.

  2. Another crucial point, especially in today's world, is the impact of AI on nature. AI databases might not consider all the ethical implications regarding nature. This could lead to situations where people rely on AI for decision-making processes that have catastrophic long-term consequences for the environment.

  3. Data stored in AI systems often reflects the perspective of developed countries. This means a lot of the information focuses on protecting and making choices that exclude developing countries. This approach can have a traumatic effect on developing nations in the long run.

4. While the Wikipedia page addresses biases such as gender, race, nationality, and socioeconomic factors, it would be valuable to include biases related to the LGBTQ+ community, migrants, refugees, minorities, and people with disabilities. This would enrich the ethical discussion on the Wikipedia page.


The most annoying part for me was editing new text and marking up the words to create a link. It was challenging for me because it felt like a new language where specific commands should be learnt. Besides any claims that I make should be supported with the additional recourses. And finally, the language that has been used should be completely neutral.


Vander Ark, T. (2017). Ask About AI: The Future of Work and Learning. Getting Smart. [White paper]. Retrieved from
