Final Reflection - Ginger Han

In this class, what I find innovative is that we created blogs for both completing assignments and sharing our thoughts, from my perspective. Open sharing has brought benefits to everyone: assignments are not just tasks anymore; they have become more like communication tools and a way to understand different perspectives from colleagues on the same subject matter due to different approaches. Because after all, new media narratives represent a dynamic and evolving form of storytelling that harnesses the capabilities of digital platforms and technologies to engage audiences in innovative ways. Unlike traditional narratives confined to single mediums such as books or films, new media narratives transcend boundaries, embracing multimedia elements, interactivity, and user participation to create immersive and compelling experiences.

I've experienced different worlds, much like visiting different theme parks, each one captivating me. For instance, in terms of tools, I've learned how to proficiently use Blogger, how to edit Wikipedia, how to create thematic boards on Pinterest, and how to utilize NovelAI. In addition, I also learned about one of my favorite concepts so far: Technobiophilia, which has allowed me to further understand how modern humans, in the post-industrial era, still feel a connection to nature, yet cannot completely detach from the influence of modern technology and rediscover past ways of experiencing nature. However, simultaneously, more and more methods and projects that align with modern ways of connecting with nature are emerging, providing ample opportunities for both economic and academic research.

After all, at their core, new media narratives should be about pushing the boundaries of storytelling in the digital age. They should embrace the possibilities offered by technology to craft narratives that are engaging, interactive, and responsive to audience input. These narratives can take many forms, from immersive multimedia experiences to collaborative storytelling projects that blur the lines between creators and consumers.

New media narratives should also reflect the diverse voices and perspectives of the digital age. They have the power to amplify marginalized voices, challenge dominant narratives, and explore complex issues in innovative ways. By embracing inclusivity and diversity, new media narratives can create more meaningful and authentic storytelling experiences that resonate with a wide range of audiences. Speaking of this, I can't help but mention crowdsourcing and its related mini assignment of adding content about indigenous peoples on Wikipedia. This not only allows us to further empathize and understand more about the perspectives, ways of doing things, and unique ancient traditions of indigenous peoples but also enables readers who see the related Wikipedia edits to hear more voices from indigenous communities. This is very meaningful.

Overall, new media narratives should be about harnessing the creative potential of digital technologies to tell stories that are innovative, inclusive, and immersive. They represent a new frontier in storytelling, offering endless possibilities for creativity, collaboration, and audience engagement in the digital age. And Im glad to be a part of it.

