Assignment 4 - Transliteracy and Critical Analysis - Eryi Yang

 Hey folks! The three images below are ME. Which's your pick?

Okay, just kidding, of course not!

These are images generated by AI. Check out the following pictures to see their respective prompt texts.

Here's how I created them:

Exploring Social Media Trends: I kick off the process by diving into the depths of social media platforms. I'm on the lookout for how people describe good-looking features and aesthetics.

Keyword Analysis: I pay close attention to the words and phrases that pop up repeatedly. Terms like "glowing skin," "fashionable clothes," and "a winning smile" catch my eye.

Curating Prompts: Armed with these insights, I handpick a bunch of prompts that capture the essence of what people consider attractive. These prompts are like the guiding stars for training the AI model on Midjourney.

Training the AI: With the prompts in place, it's time to teach the AI the ropes. I feed it loads of data, showing it examples of what a "perfect" selfie looks like according to the social media grapevine.

Fine-tuning: As the AI learns, I keep a close eye on how it's doing. If it's veering off track or missing the mark, I tweak the prompts and adjust the training data until we're back on course.

Creating the Selfies: Once the AI is trained up, it's showtime! I unleash it on the task of generating selfies that capture the essence of online beauty standards.

What do you think of these AI "selfies"?

From a cultural and ethnic perspective, it's interesting to see how even when certain prompts don't give specific instructions, the AI-generated images surprisingly match my aesthetic preferences as a Chinese person. These creations capture a beauty that resonates with my sense of what looks good, with faces that have a general attractiveness but lack distinctive features. It seems like the AI adapts to a universal idea of beauty, which might not focus on individual uniqueness.

Thinking about this further, it makes me wonder about the data and biases in the AI's training. Has it been exposed to diverse cultural examples? Does it understand beauty from a specific cultural viewpoint? The fact that the generated images reflect a neutral or widely accepted standard of attractiveness also highlights how beauty ideals are becoming globalized. This adaptability of AI suggests that beauty standards are evolving to blend various cultural influences, creating a more versatile and inclusive aesthetic.

OKAY. Le'ts kick off our journey today. Our topic is:
Tech as an Evasion: How Technology Has Transformed Self-Presentation? What about AI?

Let's dive into the fascinating world of selfies and their impact on our digital age! Since its inception, the selfie has undergone quite the transformation. From a simple self-portrait, it's now become a public spectacle, thanks to our ever-connected world. But how exactly has this phenomenon evolved? And what does it mean to capture yourself in a digital image?

Imagine snapping a selfie and suddenly finding yourself thrust into the public eye, often labeled as promiscuous. Crazy, right? Well, that's exactly what "The Selfie and the Slut" explores. It delves into how selfies blur the line between private and public, challenging fixed meanings and sometimes even causing controversy. But is taking a selfie really "slutty" by nature? Let's find out!

Despite the negative connotations, selfies can also be empowering. They allow individuals to express themselves freely in both physical and digital realms. Take confession videos or pledge note-cards, for example. These are just some of the ways selfies contribute to discussions on slut-shaming and reclaiming autonomy. It's like saying, "Hey, I'm taking control of my image!"

Now, let's take a trip to Guangzhou, China, where a sociocultural experiment sheds light on the global impact of selfies. It turns out, selfie practices aren't just about snapping a pic – they're about constructing identity and shaping how we interact with the digital world. It's like a performance, influenced by social networks, digital lifestyles, and cultural norms. And guess what? This influence isn't just confined to cyberspace – it's deeply rooted in local contexts too.

Screenshot of a selfie on Xiaohongshu (Red), a popular social platform originating from China

So, what's the big picture here? Well, predecessors have already painted a vivid picture of how selfies can shape our perceptions of gender and identity. But now, it's time to add a technological twist. How does technology play a role in all of this? Stay tuned as we explore this new dimension of analysis!

NOW, let's begin our analysis!

Let's delve into the fascinating world of self-expression and technology, exploring whether technology acts as a helpful "assistant" or a tricky "accomplice." It's a bit like a detective story, uncovering the dual role that technology plays in shaping how we represent ourselves.

First off, technology has given selfies wings, allowing them to soar across digital realms. It's like painting on a canvas that spans the globe! But here's the twist – technology also roots self-expression in specific places and cultures. Ever noticed how the background of a selfie tells a story? It's like saying, "Hey, this is who I am, and this is where I belong."

But wait, does all this selfie-taking really boost self-confidence? Technology has a sneaky side. Social media platforms push us towards certain beauty standards, making us feel like we have to fit in. It's like a popularity contest, with "likes" and "followers" as the prizes. This pressure to conform can blur the line between authentic self-expression and seeking approval.

Click on the image to learn about selfie and confidence, from a short ariticle on Glamour

And here's where things get really tricky. The more we see edited images getting likes, the more we want to look like those images. It's a cycle of seeking perfection, fueled by filters and editing tools. But behind all those filters lies a deeper question: Are we truly confident in our unedited selves? Or are we hiding behind a digital mask?

This quest for conformity through filters can actually shield us from facing our true selves. It's like putting on armor to protect ourselves from both external judgment and our own insecurities. But in the end, are we really being true to ourselves, or are we just playing a part in someone else's digital script?

In the age of selfies and social media, technology can be both a helpful ally and a cunning accomplice. It's up to us to navigate this digital landscape and find our own authentic voices amidst the noise.

Let's continue our exploration of the selfie realm, where the quest for likes and followers can sometimes overshadow authenticity. It's like a game, where the more likes you get, the more validated you feel. But in this pursuit, are we sacrificing our true selves for digital popularity?

Think about it – in the race for likes and followers, authenticity often takes a backseat. Instead of expressing ourselves genuinely, we end up chasing trends and emulating popular personalities. It's like we're wearing someone else's clothes, trying to fit in with the crowd. But is this diluted version of ourselves really who we want to be?

In the story, watch the story about how AI "replaces" a REAL ME

Take the example of AI-generated selfies. They aim for perfection, trying to create flawless faces that fit society's standards of beauty. But in this pursuit of flawlessness, do they lose the essence of what makes us human? It's like looking at a reflection that's been polished to perfection – it may look good, but it lacks the depth and individuality of a real human face.

And here's the twist – as AI gets better at mimicking real photographs, the line between reality and simulation becomes blurrier. People struggle to tell the difference between AI-generated faces and real ones, raising questions about our perception of beauty and authenticity.

So, in the end, are we really expressing ourselves, or are we just playing a part in a digital fantasy? It's a question worth pondering as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of self-expression in the digital age.

What is my other analysis while creating the selfies?

In the process of creating digital selves, it is imperative to address any ethical or cultural implications that may arise. With the advent of technologies like AI in self-portraiture and self-expression, there is a need to ensure that the use of such tools aligns with ethical standards and respects cultural sensitivities. This involves critically examining the impact of AI-generated images on societal norms and values, particularly regarding concepts of beauty, identity, and representation. Additionally, cultural considerations play a significant role in shaping the acceptance and interpretation of digitally created selves.

Exploring the impact of media on information transmission within the realm of digital communication theory is pivotal. As I delve into this topic, I incorporate various media forms such as images, videos, hyperlinks, and more to enhance readability and facilitate the circulation of discourse across different channels. The evolution of technology has ushered in a multitude of digital platforms, each with its unique characteristics and modes of communication. By considering how media influences the dissemination of information across these diverse channels, we gain valuable insights into the dynamics of digital communication. This approach not only enriches our understanding of media effects but also enables us to navigate the complexities of conveying messages effectively in an interconnected digital landscape. Through transliteration, we uncover the intricate interplay between media forms and information transmission, paving the way for more informed and impactful communication strategies across various media platforms.

AND it's a wrap-up!

The intersection of technology, particularly artificial intelligence (AI), with self-portraiture and self-expression, presents a compelling paradox. While self-expression appears increasingly influenced and moderated by technology, particularly through the widespread use of social media filters, AI emerges as a disruptive force transcending conventional boundaries.

Unlike traditional technological interventions aimed at enhancing or altering self-portraits, AI introduces a paradigm shift by employing generative techniques to authentically replicate human appearances. This departure from mere embellishment raises profound questions about the essence of self-expression in an era where technology not only aids but also redefines the creative process.

The ramifications of AI's intervention extend beyond self-expression, introducing a gradual yet pervasive scrutiny. This scrutiny, characterized by heightened levels of uncertainty and inquiry, surpasses the criticisms typically directed at social media filters. The intricate interplay between technology, self-expression, and evolving standards of authenticity underscores the complex dynamics shaping the contemporary landscape of visual representation.

As we navigate this terrain, the implications of AI on self-expression prompt us to reconsider our perceptions, challenge established norms, and explore the nuanced relationship between human creativity and technological innovation.


Let me tell you where to view it: Click here!


[1] Shah, N. (2015). The Selfie and the Slut: Bodies, Technology and Public Shame. Economic and Political Weekly, 50(17), 86-93.
[2] Liu, C. (2021). Exploring selfie practices and their geographies in the digital society. GeoJournal.
[3] Haines, A. (2021). From ‘Instagram Face’ To ‘Snapchat Dysmorphia’: How Beauty Filters Are Changing The Way We See Ourselves. Forbes.
[4] Watson, A. (2023). To Thine Own 3D Selfie Be True: Outreach for an Academic Library Makerspace with a 3D Selfie Booth. Information Technology and Libraries, 42(4).
[5] Kircher, M. M., & Holtermann, C. (2022). How Is Everyone Making Those A.I. Selfies? Images generated with Lensa AI are all over social media, but at what cost? The New York Times.
[6] Davis, N. (2023). White faces generated by AI are more convincing than photos, finds survey. The Guardian.
