Assignment 4- Theory of the selfie part 3- Munisa Bairambekova


In the age of digital ubiquity, the concept of self-representation has transcended traditional boundaries, evolving into a multifaceted digital persona that is continually shaped and reshaped through interactions with artificial intelligence (AI). Selfies, once a simple tool for personal expression, have now become a complex medium through which individuals negotiate and project their identities in virtual spaces. AI technologies, such as advanced image generation and facial recognition, have expanded the possibilities of self-representation, allowing for more tailored and creative expressions of the self (Hunter, 2022). These technological advancements not only enhance personal expression but also raise significant ethical questions about authenticity and privacy (Dezuanni, Reddan, Rutherford, & Schoonens, 2022). As AI integrates more deeply into the creation of digital personas, it is crucial to examine how these representations impact individual and collective identities, influencing everything from social interactions to political engagement (Liu, Ford, Parnin, & Dabbish, 2018). The intersection of AI and self-representation thus emerges as a critical area of study, where technology both empowers and complicates the ways in which we see ourselves and are seen by others in the digital age.

Description of Creation process:

For this segment of the project, I utilized ChatGPT 4, Fotor AI, and Getimg.AI platforms to produce digitally enhanced selfies. Initially, I created accounts on Fotor AI and Getimg.AI and accessed my existing subscription on ChatGPT 4. In the first part of our assignment, I generated one image using ChatGPT 4, but based on feedback from peers, I decided to create additional images using the other platforms.

I began by uploading a standard photograph of myself to each platform, starting with ChatGPT 4, which generated the initial image. I provided a detailed description to guide the AI: "Create a selfie of a 22-year-old girl with yellowish brown eyes, short brown hair, and an almond-shaped face. Dress her in a traditional Pamiri outfit and a patterned skullcap, emblematic of her heritage from the isolated Wakhan region, surrounded by mountains." This description was carefully crafted to mirror my personal appearance and deeply connect with my Pamiri roots, highlighting the rich narrative of my background and the experiences that have shaped my identity. In generating this image, I utilized ChatGPT 4’s advanced natural language understanding to ensure the AI accurately captured the cultural specifics and personal traits in the visual representation, making the process interactive and precise. This approach not only personalized the output but also enriched the connection between my digital and cultural identities.

Image 1: ChatGPT 4 digitally enhanced selfie.

Moving on to Fotor AI, this platform took the art of digital enhancement to new heights. Armed with AI-driven algorithms, Fotor AI refined the uploaded photo, offering a suite of artistic transformations. The platform’s functions are extensive, enabling users to not only enhance the quality of their selfies but also to reimagine them in various creative contexts. One could opt for an artistic backdrop akin to the timeless Mona Lisa, or dive into the realm of animation with an anime-style makeover.

With Fotor AI, the range of customization stretched far beyond simple retouching. The platform allowed me to adjust the ambiance with different lighting options, apply artistic filters for diverse aesthetic effects, and even fine-tune facial features to fit a desired look. This degree of control meant that each enhancement carried a part of my vision for the selfie’s digital identity. Fotor AI’s interface stood out for its user-friendly design, ensuring that each step of the enhancement was as intuitive as it was innovative. The culmination of this process is exemplified in Image 2, where the resulting selfie not only captures my likeness but also projects the creative liberties afforded by the AI’s functionality.

Image 2: Fotor AI digitally enhanced selfie.

The image produced by Getimg.AI showcases the remarkable capability of AI to generate hyper-realistic digital portraits. Getimg.AI leverages sophisticated neural networks to analyze and replicate human features with striking accuracy, capturing the essence of a person’s likeness. This technology provides a level of realism that closely mirrors the authentic self, which is evident in the image you see. The platform’s strength lies in its ability to render images that maintain the integrity of the subject’s real-world appearance. Its algorithms are fine-tuned to identify and enhance subtle facial details, ensuring that the digital outcome is a faithful representation of the original. This realistic portrayal is significant, as it underscores the potential of AI to not only create artistic renditions but also to preserve and reflect genuine human expressions and emotions in a digital format. The realism of the image generated by Getimg.AI contributes to the ongoing discourse on the role of AI in the accurate portrayal of our digital selves. It opens up possibilities for uses in various fields, such as virtual meetings or sophisticated avatar creation, where authentic representation is crucial. The image stands as a testament to how advanced AI has become in understanding and replicating the nuances of human appearance.

Image 3: Getimg.AI digitally enhanced selfie.

When I posted three AI-generated images on my Instagram and Facebook, the reactions were a mix of amazement and curiosity, primarily centered around the lifelike quality of the AI-generated images. Followers expressed their astonishment at how convincingly real the images appeared, with many inquiring about the technology behind this digital sorcery.

Other potential comments on such a post could include:

·         Admiration for the Aesthetic Quality: "These photos are so beautifully done! The colors and lighting are perfect."

·         Curiosity about the Process: "How exactly does AI create these images? Can it really capture personal features so accurately?"

·         Interest in the AI Tools: "What are the names of these AI platforms? I'd love to try this out myself!"

·         Concerns about Authenticity: "It's hard to tell what's real and what's AI now. Does anyone else find this unsettling?"

·         Discussions on Privacy: "Posting AI-generated images is cool, but isn't anyone worried about data privacy?"

·         Reflections on the Future of Photography: "Could AI be the future of portrait photography? The results are incredible!"

·         Jokes and Humor: "I guess I know what I'd look like if I stepped into an anime or hung out with Mona Lisa!"

These comments could spark a broader conversation about the implications of AI in everyday life, the balance between technology and privacy, and the evolving standards of digital art and self-representation.

Considering the comments on the AI-generated images were predominantly in my native language, I opted not to share screenshots to maintain the privacy of the conversation. Since my follower base consists of friends and acquaintances familiar with my usual social media habits, they were aware that such posts are out of the ordinary for me. Adhering to my usual practice of not posting personal content, I removed the images after 24 hours. This brief foray into sharing AI-enhanced self-portraits was a unique experiment, offering a glimpse into the capabilities of AI and the engaging discussions it can spark within our personal networks.


Analysis of Representation:

The first image serves as a digital testament to the profound respect I hold for my traditions and cultural heritage. It's a representation that transcends mere aesthetics; it's a visual narrative that encapsulates the essence of my identity. By choosing to embody the attire of my native Pamiri culture, the AI-generated selfie aligns closely with my physical-world persona that is deeply rooted in the rich tapestry of my ancestry. This image does not merely replicate physical features; it weaves the cultural and historical threads that are integral to who I am.

In contrast, the representations created by Fotor AI and Getimg.AI, while visually striking, lean towards a more universal and arguably modern aesthetic. They highlight a facet of my identity that resonates with global digital norms, a version of self that is more adaptable and less defined by the geographical and cultural boundaries that are so evident in the first image. These variations reflect the multifaceted nature of my personal identity—how I see myself and how I might be perceived in different contexts.

This juxtaposition of images—one deeply traditional, the others more universally contemporary—mirrors the dichotomy often experienced by individuals in the modern world. On the one hand, there is a strong desire to preserve and honor one's origins and history; on the other, there is a need to engage with and adapt to a globalized, interconnected world. The digital representations allow for the exploration of this duality, providing a means to showcase the various aspects of one's persona, from the deeply personal to the broadly relatable.


Incorporation of Feedback:

The peer review process was instrumental in expanding the scope of my project. Initially, my exploration of digital self-representation was confined to a singular image produced by ChatGPT 4, which, while meaningful, limited the narrative of my digital persona. The feedback I received was clear and constructive: to explore a broader range of tools and to create multiple images to capture the diverse facets of my identity. Taking this insight to heart, I ventured beyond my initial approach and embraced a variety of AI platforms, which led to the creation of three distinct images.

This expansion not only enriched the visual diversity of my project but also allowed me to delve into the nuances of each AI tool's capabilities. By comparing the outputs from ChatGPT 4, Fotor AI, and Getimg.AI, I was able to observe the unique ways in which each platform interpreted my features and cultural cues. This process of experimentation and reflection brought a deeper understanding of how different AI technologies can variably construct digital identities. The additional images became a pivotal part of my exploration, revealing the multifaceted nature of self-representation in the digital age and allowing me to present a more comprehensive narrative of my personal and cultural identity.


Ethical and Cultural Considerations:

The ethical implications and cultural considerations surrounding the creation of my digital self were multi-layered and complex. Firstly, there was the issue of cultural representation. In creating a digital image that reflects my Pamiri heritage, there was a deep responsibility to ensure that the portrayal was respectful and accurate. AI's ability to replicate cultural attire and symbols brings forth questions about the preservation of meaning and the risk of cultural appropriation or misrepresentation. It is crucial that such technologies are developed and used with a sensitivity to the nuances of different cultures, avoiding the dilution or misinterpretation of cultural symbols.

Furthermore, the use of AI to enhance personal images raises ethical questions about authenticity and identity in the digital realm. As AI becomes increasingly adept at creating realistic images, the line between an authentic representation and an idealized or altered version of the self becomes blurred. This can impact how individuals perceive themselves and how they are perceived by others, potentially leading to unrealistic standards of beauty and identity.

There are also privacy concerns to consider. By uploading personal photos to AI platforms, there is an inherent risk of data being used in ways that I did not intend, stored indefinitely, or repurposed without my consent. The permanence and ownership of digital content are ethical considerations that must be navigated with care.

Finally, the decision to share these images on social media, even temporarily, touches upon the ethical consideration of consent and the right to control one’s digital likeness. Although the audience was limited to friends and acquaintances, the act of posting and then removing the images from a public platform raises questions about the boundaries of our digital selves and the ownership of our digital identities.

Navigating these ethical waters requires a careful balance between the benefits of AI technology in personal expression and the potential pitfalls associated with privacy, cultural sensitivity, and authenticity. It's imperative that as we engage with these technologies, we do so with a critical eye towards the ethical dimensions that underpin our increasingly digital lives.

Trans literacy:

Translating my critical analysis to a blog format showcased transliteracy, involving adapting content for various forms of media consumption. Unlike the formal and structured nature of traditional academic writing, the blog format invites a wider audience with its conversational tone and accessible presentation. This shift exemplifies digital communication theories that favor open, participatory information sharing over gatekept knowledge.

In a blog, the message is concise and designed for quick consumption, reflecting the digital preference for content. Visuals are integrated into the narrative, capturing attention in a crowded digital landscape, and the hypertextual format allows for expansive, non-linear engagement with embedded links.

Adapting my analysis to this format required a reimagining of content delivery, adhering to the principles of digital culture and literacy. This not only involved simplifying language but also recognizing how the blog as a medium influences the construction and reception of the message.




Hunter, T. (2022). AI selfies are flooding your feed. Here is what to know about Lensa. The Washington Post. Retrieved from

Dezuanni, M., Reddan, B., Rutherford, L., & Schoonens, A. (2022). Selfies and shelfies on #bookstagram and #booktok – social media and the mediation of Australian teen reading. Learning Media and Technology, 47(3), 355-372.

Liu, F., Ford, D., Parnin, C., & Dabbish, L. (2018). Selfies as Social Movements: Influences on Participation and Perceived Impact on Stereotypes. Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction, 1.







