Assignment 4 - Theory of the Selfie (Part 3) - Selena Jammaz

Our “Theory of the Selfies - Part 1” assignment deepened my understanding about the interplay between technology, culture, and identity.  Reflecting on feedback from both my professor and classmate has been valuable in providing a clearer perspective on how to tailor the topic to my unique standpoint while enhancing my analyses. Accordingly, this post draws on the critique received to discuss areas of improvement, including the development of a refined thesis, the deepening of the selfie discussion and the strengthening of the analyses. Additionally, it examines the process of translating a scholarly analysis into blog format.

Content Improvement

  • Thesis: To refine the thesis, the article’s argument must be clearly established. Inspired by the feedback, my article’s entrypoint to the broader topic of digital self representation is about establishing non-Western perspectives online to break through mainstream media’s representation of such countries. Accordingly, the thesis may become: New Media technologies provide opportunities for those with non-Western perspectives to self-affirm their online identities, thereby countering mainstream media's control of their narratives.

  • Literature Review: To enhance the literature review section, I’d use a literary framework, such as Foucault's concept of hupomnemata, to guide focused discussions. I would challenge Weisgerber, C., & Butler (2015)’s view by questioning the effectiveness of “self-writing” to reinforce one’s identity, given the curated nature of digital content. Furthermore, I'd use TikTok’s algorithm to illustrate a dichotomy in New Media: while creators know that original content performs well, they also sacrifice their individuality by partaking in trends with the hope of achieving vitality. 

A Filipino Take on the “Of Course” Trend

  • Creation Process & Self Representation: To further contextualize my self representation, I’d go beyond stating that I used Midjourney and Canva to create my selfie in a manner that accentuates the differences between Canada and Lebanon’s contrasting cultures. Greater purpose would be given to each element by describing their presence in more depth. A few examples include:

    • The addition of blue shades and snowflakes to represent Canada’s “cold” and calm personality relative Lebanon’s lively and resilient culture.

    • The background’s indiscernibility on the right side depicting Lebanon’s unstable political and economic state. 

    • The irony of a simplistic visual representation given the complexity of how the two cultural realities merge and contrast.

My Digital Representation 

  • Analysis: To bolster the thesis’ premise, this section would require a more direct discussion about New Media as a tool to circumvent the media’s control of minorities’ narratives. The argument would be supplemented by juxtaposing an example of mainstream media displaying clear bias towards a non-Western country, and social media content produced by a member of the minority group being discussed to depict a first-hand perspective on the matter, such as the below:

British Journalist Displays Racism Towards 

Palestinian Politician While Discussing Gaza Genocide


Palestinian Civilian and Journalist Documenting Realities of Gaza Genocide

Ethical and Cultural Considerations

To improve the accuracy of my AI-generated selfie on Midjourney, I had to provide detailed personal information through the prompts. While I’m aware that my previous online activities are an indirect form of information disclosure, this exercise has opened my eyes regarding how my information may be used in the future. For example, will I see myself represented online by another entity? Will these representations encompass cultural biases? Will these biases influence how third parties (i.e insurance companies or universities) interact with me?

Feedback Integration & Transliteracy

The exercise of providing constructive feedback on my classmate’s work has strengthened my ability to evaluate my performance from an external perspective. Conversely, receiving feedback from both my classmate and professor provided an abundance of learnings for me to apply in the future. However, reconciling the differences in feedback and determining which aspects to prioritize proved challenging, especially given the style and length constraints of the assignment’s blog format. This inspired a tutorial blog approach consisting of sections and subsections to enhance readability and comprehension. Additionally, striking a balance between the material’s academic nature with the blog’s informal character required the use of a professional yet relatable tone of voice, as well as the incorporation of visual references in a sleek yet eye-catching manner. 


The “Theory of the Selfie” series encouraged a continuous learning process bolstered by integrating feedback from both my classmate and Dr. Laccetti. While this final assignment deepened my appreciation for digital self representation, the insights gained have enriched my understanding on how to craft high quality scholarly material in general. Finally, the assignment’s mode of delivery has fostered a new found appreciation for using New Media to communicate scholarly material in an engaging manner.



  • Arab News. (2024, January 7). British journalist slammed for ‘racist’ interview with Palestinian politician.



  • Weisgerber, C., & Butler, S. H. (2015, September 24). Curating the Soul: Foucault’s concept of hupomnemata and the digital technology of self-care. Information, Communication & Society, 19(10), 1340–1355.
