AI narrative-Munisa

For this assignment, I engaged with Paragraph AI to generate a narrative that illuminates the possibilities and challenges of AI in the realm of creative writing. In constructing a story about Lily, whose character is a mosaic of kindness, the AI demonstrated its capability to adhere to thematic directives and generate a cohesive narrative arc.


    The process offered practical insights into the tool's functionality, revealing strengths in generating narrative consistency and coherency, which reflect the findings of Wu et al. (2021) regarding AI's iterative learning from human feedback. Yet, despite these strengths, the narrative lacked the nuanced emotional depth that characterizes human storytelling—a gap that aligns with Chubb et al.'s (2022) discussion on the absence of certain narratives in AI-generated content.

    My experience resonates with the ethical considerations of AI narratives outlined by Benson (2022) and the potential implications for the future of storytelling, especially in sensitive contexts such as war. As AI writing tools evolve, theybeckon us to ponder Howlarium's (2022) inquiry into their impact on our engagement with literature and reading. This exploratory assignment highlighted the dualistic nature of AI writing tools: they are powerful aids in the storytelling process, yet they serve as a reminder of the intrinsic value of human creativity and judgment.

    In a multimedia-rich online environment, integrating screenshots or videos would provide a dynamic layer to the narrative, inviting readers to visualize the AI's interface and witness the generation of the story firsthand. As such, a multimedia approach enriches the discussion, offering a vivid and engaging portrayal of AI-assisted creativity.




    Wu, J., et al. (2021). Recursively summarizing books with human feedback. *arXiv preprint arXiv:2109.10862*.
    Chubb, J., Reed, D., & Cowling, P. (2022). Expert views about missing AI narratives: is there an AI story crisis?. AI and Society.
    Howlarium. (2022). What will AI do to reading? Retrieved from [Howlarium] (
    Benson, D. (2022). AI in Fiction and the Future of War. (The Strategy Bridge). Retrieved from [The Strategy Bridge] (



