Module 7: Technobiophilia mini assignment - Peace Omodele

              A Comparative Analysis of Personal Insights and Word Cloud Interpretation of a Technobiophilia Article

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 For this assignment, I have chosen to focus on the article "Technobiophilia, Nature, and Human Interaction" by Hiroko Oe, Yasuyuki Yamaoka, and Max Weeks. This article stood out to me as particularly interesting among this week's readings, alongside the foreword from Sue Thomas' book "Nature and Wellbeing in the Digital Age." The concept of technobiophilia, which is central to the article, caught my attention not only because it was a new term for me but also because it intriguingly bridges the gap between our digital lives and our innate affinity for nature.

This concept posits that virtual interactions with nature can not only enhance our appreciation for the natural world but also influence our behavior towards environmental conservation. As an urban dweller, the idea that digital nature can serve as a reminder of our deep connection to the environment is really fascinating, as it is not a theory I had previously considered. It proposes a novel approach for urban planners to integrate virtual nature into city life to help residents reconnect with the natural world, potentially leading to more sustainable and nature-friendly urban environments. As someone who currently works in environmental health communication, this was really eye opening.

Moreover, the notion that virtual experiences of nature can heighten awareness of climate change and its impacts strikes me as a powerful tool for educating and motivating people to take action for climate resilience and sustainability. The future research opportunities in this area are also vast, focusing on how digital nature can influence our wellbeing, environmental attitudes, and behaviors. It emphasizes the importance of an interdisciplinary approach, highlighting the need for collaboration between technologists, environmental scientists, urban planners, and social scientists in order to fully understand and harness the potential of technobiophilia.

In summary, this concept speaks to me on multiple levels, providing a fresh viewpoint on our relationship with nature and its implications for urban planning and environmental action. I am eager to see how this concept evolves and is applied in the future, as it represents a fascinating area of exploration at the intersection of technology, nature, and human behaviour. Worlds I have always considered as opposites.


Screenshot of the wordcloud platform
 For this assignment, I chose to use the tag generator - word cloud as suggested, since it was my first time encountering this tool and I was quite curious about how it operates. I uploaded the PDF version of the article mentioned earlier in order to generate word highlights. Click here to explore the word cloud generated.

The word cloud generated from the reading on technobiophilia effectively highlights several key terms that are central to the concept and its implications. 

A video of the generated wordcloud

Words like "Nature" and "Environment" are prominently featured, emphasizing technobiophilia's core focus on the relationship between humans and the natural world, as well as the importance of environmental considerations.

The prominence of terms such as "Technology" and "Digital" reflects the role of digital technology in bridging the gap between humans and nature, which is an important aspect of technobiophilia. Additionally, the inclusion of words like "Urban" and "Space" highlights the relevance of technobiophilia to urban planning and the design of spaces that incorporate nature and technology.

The terms "Behaviour" and "Awareness" underline the potential of technobiophilia to influence human behaviour and raise awareness about environmental issues, particularly in the context of climate change. Furthermore, the presence of words like "Research" and "Interdisciplinary" indicates the need for further research and an interdisciplinary approach to fully comprehend and apply the concept of technobiophilia.

Overall, the word cloud is consistent with my understanding of technobiophilia as a concept that emphasizes the connection between humans and nature, the role of technology in enhancing this connection, and the implications for urban planning, environmental awareness, and behaviour, as well as the importance of cross-disciplinary research and collaboration to explore and leverage technobiophilia's potential.



Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y., & Weeks, M. (2022). Technobiophilia: Nature and human interactions in the digital age. Cogent Arts & Humanities, 9(1).

Thomas, S. (2018). Nature and wellbeing in the digital age: How to feel better without logging off.
