Module 7 Technobiophilia Mini Assignment - Selena Jammaz

I plugged in the article "Technobiophilia: Nature and human interactions in the digital age" into the word cloud, chose the balance symbol and was presented with the below:

The words that stand out are conceptvirtualtechnobiophilia (surprise), changehumanenvironmentrelationship and technology

These words accurately capture the essence of technobiophilia which serves as a binding factor between technology, humans and the environment. I find this new concept especially interesting because I'm discovering firsthand that we can't but embrace technology, even if we want to live lives that are more connected to nature. This hits home for me, because I recognize technology as a survival tool, noting that without it, I wouldn't have a job. However, I'm always trying to integrate daily activities that get me closer to the natural environment, whether that's popping out for mini walk breaks, planning outings in nature or even walking in the soil barefoot. 

Accordingly, I'm very much aligned with the article's discussion around our "innate connection with nature,"(Oe et al., p.5) which has been deepened with the amplification technology's role in our lives. Therefore, we actively seek ways in which we can reconcile between this new normal while staying true to our yearning for the natural environment. In fact, we'll challenge routines that force us to live in a tech-only habitat, much like my coworker. Recently, she had been overwhelmed with work, and the fact that she had little time to connect with nature heightened her anxiety further. Therefore, she took her computer with her to the beach in order to watch the sunset without sacrificing her work duties. Although this example opens a larger discussion on companies' ethical misconduct of overworking their employees in light of hybrid work arrangements, it illustrates the our intrinsic need to be replenished by our natural surroundings amidst the sea of tech that we now live in.

Therefore, I chose the balance symbol to frame my word cloud as a nod to the symbiosis between technology and nature that we constantly seek.


Oe, H., Yamaoka, Y., & Weeks, M. (2022). Technobiophilia: Nature and human interactions in the digital age. Cogent Arts & Humanities9(1), 2068823.
