Module 5 - Sarah Mate


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For my Module 5 assignment, I chose to focus on AI Narratives, specifically the ethics surrounding the use of AI in content creation. 

This article explores the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) on content creation in the rapidly evolving digital era. It discusses the advantages of AI, such as efficiency, data-driven insights, and scalability, while acknowledging challenges like the potential lack of depth and ethical concerns. This aligns with the research conducted by Chubb et all, “…narratives should focus on the realities of AI’s present capabilities rather than unlikely, threatening or exciting futures. These narratives can then lead to greater public involvement through education and information.” (Chubb, Reed, Cowling, 2021)

A man used ChatGPT to create a children's book over a single weekend. Following its publication and sale on Amazon, Reshi's tweets about the book went viral, sparking discussions among artists about the ethical concerns of using AI to produce art. 

This article reminded me of the Gunter reading in Module 2. ‘AI can be a useful tool, when applied appropriately, and poses real challenges if misused. People need to be able to know when a tool can be used and what problems it might create.” (Gunter, 2023)

This article examines what it claims are the top five ethical concerns around AI: self driving cars, the use of AI robots in HR, in court, law and judgement, gender bias and racist datasets. It explains the harms that can be caused by the limitations of AI and it's inability to understand nuance and human emotion. It ties to Module 3 reading “Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback”, where the researchers noted that human involvement was necessary for the AI to effectively do the job it was programmed to do, due to context and comprehension limitations of the AI technology. (Wu et al, 2021, section 6.1)

The article explores the dual nature of AI, balancing excitement for its potential with concerns about the lack of appropriate regulations. It highlights seven ethical questions regarding AI, including issues of bias, security, deception, malicious use, regulation challenges, victimization, and the potential exacerbation of issues due to the fear of missing out (FOMO) in the corporate sector. This infographic and it’s accompanying blog post are a summary of this article.

This also ties to the Chubb et al study: “Our research supports current work on AI narratives and suggests there are missing stories which could promote thinking about critical questions in all of the domains where AI is beneficial and where they seem to be harmful, to shed light on the many ethical and political dilemmas posed by AI – stories that speak to everyone, stories they can invest in.”

My final pin is an AI generated image I created myself, using the prompt “a futuristic vision of AI ethics.” I wanted to experience the full Pinterest process for creating a pin, following the steps outlined in Module 5 reading “Pinterest Strategy Tips” to ensure I understood how to use Pinterest as a platform from the perspective of a content creator.


Chubb, J., Reed, D., & Cowling, P. (2022). Expert views about missing AI narratives: Is there an AI story crisis? AI & SOCIETY. 

Gunter, D. (2023). AI, the new frontier - opportunities and challenges: Artificial intelligence is the future for all industries - especially scholarly publishing. Research Information, 4–6.

Schwamberger, B. A. (2019, August 10). Pinterest strategy tips for 2018: Learn the new metric that matters most! (+ A free content guide!). -. 

Wu, J., Ouyang, L., Ziegler, D. M., Stiennon, N., Lowe, R., Leike, J., & Christiano, P. (2021, September 27). Recursively summarizing books with human feedback. 
