Module 5 — Pinterest mini assignment — Gabby Keiran

 My Pinterest Board

For this mini-assignment, I continued to develop on my thesis for Module 4, and curated a selection of three pins representing my own perception of self. I found Pinterest difficult to navigate from a “blogging” perspective, as the character limits for both descriptions and comments made it difficult for me to reference my sources and citations. I ended up having to split my sources into the comment sections of each post. This proved difficult when integrating a pin made by another Pinterest user— in keeping to the professional standard of academic integrity, while simultaneously providing credit to the original poster, I ended up linking my own upload of the image to the original pin alongside a description and comments crediting the academic source material.

I don’t believe Pinterest is optimized as an application for academic or long-form written posts, and most posts do not provide much description as to the intentions or content of the pins themselves. In the past, I’ve used Pinterest to collect large amounts of high quality, inspiration for my artwork, style, and lifestyle. In my personal boards, I have never added my own public comments to these pins, as I’ve only ever used the pins for my own use. Having to add these descriptions for my own items felt rather cold, especially when referencing academic materials.

Furthermore, the IOS app itself is not optimized for these posts, and continuously crashed as I attempted to post comments, descriptions, and add new tags for each post. I found the app difficult to use in this sense, and would prefer apps like Blogger to add written content in this way. 
