Module 5 Pinterest Board Submission Mini Assignment

AI Selfies Pinterest Board

For this assignment, I choose to concentrate on the theme of AI selfies. I explored three AI generated selfies. The selfies are images of popular figures such as Elon Musk. They were created as a means to pass a message. For instance, the first message is intended to show wealth distribution in the society. The images can be accessed on Pinterest through this link:

Image 1The not so rich powerful

AI can now create very realistic images. One artist used AI to make images of rich and powerful people as homeless. The aim was to show inequality and need for change. The images are disturbing and thought-provoking. They challenge how we see wealth and power. In one image, Elon Musk, who is usually seen as rich and powerful, is shown living on the streets. The artist said the goal is to raise awareness about homelessness and inspire action. The images sparked an online debate. Some praised the artist for highlighting an important issue. Others criticized using AI to create disturbing images. Regardless of views on AI art, the images make a powerful statement about needing social change. The AI-generated images remind us to work towards a more equal society where all can live with dignity and security.

Image 2: The Incredible Hulk

The AI generated image shows a popular TV star, Hulk. The setting is an urban environment, with tall buildings flanking the street. In the background, a red vehicle is parked, and scattered debris lies on the pavement suggesting a scuffle. The image is relevant to the topic of AI selfies. Notably, this image resonates with the concept of AI-generated historical selfies. The image was made using AI. This is a new trend whereby artist such as Jyo John Mulloor use AI technology to create “selfies from the past.” Digvijay (20230 notes that Jyo reconstructed realistic representations of famous figures such as Mahatma Gandhiby analyzing old photographs and applying AI software. Notably, the emergence of AI artists on social media owes itself to advancements in machine learning algorithms and the availability of vast digital data. Machines can now analyze and interpret images more accurately and swiftly(Digvijay, 2023). This has then led to original AI artwork, including portraits and other forms of creative expression.

Image 3: Mother Theresa

The photograph captures a scene where Mother Theresa appears to be taking a selfie amidst a crowd. Mother Theresa is portrayed wearing her iconic white sari with blue stripes, signifying her identity even with a pixelated face. The surrounding crowd seems to be composed of people from different walks of life. The overall tone is realistic yet invokes contemplation due to its artificial creation and the ethical questions it raises. This image raises significant ethical questions about the use of AI in creating images of historical figures. This is especially relevant for those who lived in times before the advent of modern technology like smartphones. Avey (2023) suggest that when generating AI images of revered individuals like Mother Theresa, we must consider respect for their memory and the accuracy of their portrayal. This is because such creations can influence how historical figures are remembered and understood by future generations.


AveyC. (2023, December 27). Ethical Pros and Cons of AI Image Generation. IEEE Computer Society.

Digvijay. (2023, March 21). AI Artist Uses Selfies To Transport Us To Past & Bring Historical Figures To Life. IndiaTimes; Indiatimes.

