Module 5: Pinterest Board - Peace Omodele

                 Exploring the Evolution of Books from Printing to Digital Literature

I've had the Pinterest app for about six years, primarily using it for fashion and outfit inspirations, as evident from my feed. However, the readings for this week's module, particularly the article by Schwamberger (2018), provided insightful perspectives on the app's functionality. Completing this assignment expanded my understanding of the diverse uses of Pinterest beyond a mere search tool. I learned how to select pins carefully, ensuring they link back to the desired information accurately, and how to create descriptions that succinctly and precisely capture the essence of the board.

Image: Screenshot of my current Pinterest feed

For my assignment, I decided to focus on the content from Module 2, titled "Making/Publishing History: Printing of THE Book," which explored the fascinating history and future of books. As someone who loves reading, this topic really resonated with me. I find the rich history of bookmaking and the exciting prospects of digital literature really captivating and intriguing.

Inspired by this, I created a Pinterest board that takes us on a journey through the evolution of books, from the groundbreaking invention of the Gutenberg Press to the digital revolution that's reshaping our reading habits. I started with a draft board and sourced 21 pins that caught my interest and aligned with what I wanted to convey in my assignment. Afterward, I selected those that accurately illustrated my vision for my main board.

Image: Screenshot of my draft Pinterest board for the mini assignment

Here's a glimpse of what I've put together on my Pinterest board:           

The Gutenberg Press Pin: My board starts with the Gutenberg Press, a revolutionary invention that democratized knowledge in an unprecedented way. The link in this pin recounts the story of the press's inception. It's incredible to consider how this invention paved the way for the extensive libraries and bookstores we have today. The press transformed book production and also had a profound impact on society, making literature and knowledge more accessible to a wider audience (Gordon, 2019).

·         The Future of Books Pin: The second pin propels us into the present, highlighting the revolution we're experiencing with e-books and audiobooks. The curated post in this pin outlines six ways to access free audio and e-books. As we discussed in this module, the future of books isn't just about the transition from print to digital. It's also about how narratives are consumed and experienced in an increasingly online and multimodal world (Hastreiter, 2017).

·         The TikTok and Book Marketing Pin: The next pin illustrates how social media platforms like TikTok are emerging as hotspots for book marketing. It's fascinating to observe how authors are adapting to these new channels to reach and engage with their audiences (Delemos, 2021). This aligns with the module's discussions on how digital platforms are shaping and influencing the marketing and consumption of literature. This pin includes an article detailing 19 strategies for promoting a book on TikTok.

·         The AI in Publishing Pin: Lastly, I included two pins that cover the world of artificial intelligence and its impact on publishing. From personalized recommendations and automated content creation to author-assisted writing, the possibilities are endless. As discussed in our readings, AI is not merely a tool for efficiency but also a force that's reshaping the creative landscape of the publishing industry (Gunter, 2023). The story of books is continuously evolving, and I look forward to seeing what the next chapter brings.

I really hope you enjoyed viewing and exploring my Pinterest board!


Delemos, R. S. (2021, September 10). TikTok for Viral Book Marketing. 

Gordon, E. (2019, May 2). From Chinese Origins to Gutenberg’s Bible: How the Invention of the Printing Press Changed the World.

Gunter, D. (2023, August 21). AI, the new frontier – opportunities and challenges: Artificial intelligence is the future for all industries - especially scholarly publishing. Research Information.

Hastreiter, N. (2017). What’s the Future of Books, The Future of Everything. Retrieved from:

Schwamberger, B. A. (2018, May 10). Pinterest Strategy Tips for 2018: Learn the NEW metric that matters most! (+ a Free Content Guide!) -. Brilliant Business Moms. 
