Mini-Assignment: Wikipedia Edit for Indigenous and DEI Narratives- Gladis Batman

Armenians in Syria

Wikipedia is one of the platforms that play a significant role in shaping viewpoints on various topics. I have noticed that when we search for any topic on a search engine, Wikipedia often appears as the primary source of information.

To complete my assignment, I brainstormed topics and decided to explore Syrian history. In Syria, a variety of people have lived in this region for thousands of years, up to the present day. I discovered the history of the Armenian community as immigrants to Syria and their journey. In the "Armenians in Syria" article on Wikipedia, especially in the section on “The Armenian Genocide and the 20th Century”, I noticed an explanation of who supported Armenians in settling in Syria. The article referred to the native Arab in a very broad sense, although the Arab world includes many countries. According to the article "Mouradian: Aleppo Armenians, the Genocide, and a Reversal of Roles" The Armenian community in Syria is the one who played a significant role in settling the deportees, not the majority of Arabs.

I chose the edit option and made my edits directly in the article, attaching the referenced article. Editing the article made the statement more accurate by crediting the effort of supporting settlers to the Armenian community instead of attributing it to native Arabs who were not involved in this action.

Editing information on Wikipedia can indeed play a significant role in the digital realm. Contributing to the accuracy of online information does not necessarily require complex actions, as mentioned in the reading.

"Meaningful social change does not always require a huge sweeping movement or policy: It can be a subtle and nuanced shifting of the public and academic dialogue." (Lugosi et al., 2023, p.214).


Armenians in Syria. (2024, March 30). In Wikipedia

Lugosi, N. V., Patrieb, N., & Cromwel, K. (2023). Theorizing and implementing meaningful Indigenization: Wikipedia as an opportunity for course-based digital advocacy. Routledge.

Mouradian, K. (2016). Mouradian: Aleppo Armenians, the Genocide, and a Reversal of Roles. The Armenian Weekly.
