Mini Assignment, Module 7, "Technobiophilia" - Gladis Batman

To create the tag cloud, I used I downloaded the URL of the article “Technobiophilia: Nature and Human Interactions in the Digital Age” and let the website create the word cloud. Initially, it successfully highlighted the most important words of the article. I then adjusted the number of words and deleted pronouns, articles, and prepositions. Next, I chose a tree shape that related to the topic and adjusted the colors using the colors of nature. 

The resulting cloud mainly displayed words such as nature, digital, human, urban, and virtual. The word cloud can be considered a visual representation of the article's content, similar to a book cover that indicates what is inside. If I were to create a word cloud by hand without using this website, it would likely include additional words, emphasizing concepts such as environment, technology, and Technobiophilia. This would allow for a better visual presentation of the article, helping viewers understand its content at a glance. However, that would probably take hours of collecting the main words and embedding them with a nice design. In contrast, the website generated the word cloud in just a couple of minutes.

This word cloud can be interpreted by aligning it with the readings of the week on Technobiophilia. In my view, technology in this age has become as indispensable as nature. Instead of creating a life where people are either glued to technology or detoxing from it and seeking refuge in nature for meditation, it is beneficial to see these concepts as interconnected. Each concept can serve to enhance the other.

Yasuyuki Yamaoka, H. O., & Weeks, M. (2022). Technobiophilia: Nature and human interactions in the digital age. Cogent Arts & Humanities. 10.1080/23311983.2022.2068823.
