Module 3 - AI Narratives by Peace Omodele

AI Narratives Assignment

Among the various AI tools available, I chose to sign up for Jasper due to its reputed usefulness in the communications field, as attested by various marketing and communications experts on LinkedIn. Despite having been intrigued by it for some time, it wasn't until it was mentioned as an example of an AI tool in our assignment that I finally decided to explore the tool. While using the application, I found it to be well-developed, possessing intriguing features such as a section for sharing personal stories based on provided prompts.

LinkedIn screenshot of an article comparing Jasper AI with other Generative AI tools

 For example, my prompt was for it to write a blogpost on navigating life in a new country as an immigrant and it requested that I add a personal immigration story to share in the post. The most fascinating feature for me was its ability to input SEO keywords with suggestions, alongside a function for incorporating your brand voice by uploading a document to simulate your writing style. Although I didn't explore this feature in depth, I appreciated the thoughtfulness behind it, especially since one of my criticisms of AI writing is its tendency to produce outputs that feel robotic, as demonstrated by the narrative it generated based on my input.

Webpage screenshot showing the interface of the Jasper AI

In reflecting on my experience with Jasper and considering my stance on writing with AI tools, several things stood out. Firstly, Jasper and similar tools serve as excellent brainstorming aids, offering frameworks and prompting critical thinking on various subjects. This can be particularly useful for overcoming writer's block and generating fresh ideas. Additionally, they can analyze existing texts and expand on them, as seen with the brief personal story I submitted. These tools also suggest structural improvements, aiding in the summarization and organization of content, which I find beneficial for writing (Wu et al., 2021). 

However, the insights from Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback by Wu et al. (2021) and the discussion on the importance of diverse narratives in AI by Chubb et al. (2022) highlight a significant drawback which I have observed and strongly agree with. AI writing tools struggle to encapsulate human emotions, resulting in content that lacks warmth, humour, or a personal touch that resonates with readers (Axies Digital, 2023). These studies show the importance of balancing human intuition with AI's analytical capabilities, advocating for AI as a tool that should enhance, not replace, the human element in creative processes. Also, while AI writing tools are great at offering suggestions, diligent fact-checking is crucial to ensure accuracy and relevance. Relying solely on AI-generated content, particularly in sensitive fields like mine which involves health information dissemination can lead to misinformation and errors. 

My perception of AI writing is one that’s filled with mixed feelings, majorly leaning towards positivity but not without reservations. This is because while AI can be incredibly useful for brainstorming, editing, and structuring writing, I believe it should primarily serve as a complementary tool rather than a crutch. It should help enhance rather than create content in its entirety, as it often strips away the essence of writing. AI is a tool and should be used as that, a tool, to ensure that writing retains its soul and personal touch. 

Below is the response, Jasper AI generated based on my question prompt: Write a blogpost on navigating life in a new country as an immigrant

Journey to Belonging: Unveiling the Immigrant Experience

Moving to a new country can be one of the most transformative experiences in a person's life. From the anticipation of new beginnings to the challenges of starting over, the immigrant's journey is marked by personal growth and resilience. As an individual who has embarked on this expedition, I have encountered various hurdles and celebrated significant victories. In this blog post, I will share insights into the life of an immigrant, providing practical advice and weaving a narrative that echoes the universal struggles and triumphs of beginning anew.

Personal Immigration Story: Finding My Place in Canada

Leaving the familiarity of Nigeria, where my life was well-established, I ventured to Canada with a heart full of dreams and a mind teeming with uncertainties. The transition was not without its obstacles. Navigating cultural nuances, overcoming the language barrier, and proving my worth in a new work environment were just a few of the challenges I faced. Yet, through it all, I have come to realize that every day is an opportunity to learn, grow, and carve out a space where I am not just a part of a new society, but a contributor to its vibrancy and diversity.

Cultural Integration and Its Complex Challenges

Adjusting to a new culture is like solving a multifaceted puzzle. Each piece represents a new social norm, local custom, or unspoken rule that immigrants must familiarize themselves with. The process of integrating into a different cultural milieu is a delicate balance of honoring one's heritage while respectfully engaging with the customs of the host country. From understanding the nuances of humor to deciphering workplace etiquette, it is a journey of continual adaptation and acceptance.

Overcoming Language Barriers and Fostering Effective Communication

Language is the key to connection and understanding. For many immigrants, including myself, the ability to effectively communicate in a new language is a critical milestone in their journey. While mastering a new tongue is a daunting task, it is also incredibly rewarding. Language proficiency not only facilitates daily interactions but also opens doors to broader career opportunities and a deeper engagement with the local community.

The Emotional Struggles of Uprooting and Leaving Behind Home

The decision to emigrate is often accompanied by a profound sense of loss. Leaving behind one's homeland means departing from cherished memories, beloved friends, and the warmth of family. Coping with the emotional distance requires a reservoir of inner strength, the cultivation of new support systems, and the occasional embrace of homesickness as a reminder of the love that still connects us to our past.

Embracing the Unknown and Starting Anew

Starting a new life in a foreign land is akin to facing a blank canvas. There is both fear and excitement in the unknown, as well as the undeniable potential for self-discovery. Immigrants must be prepared to rebuild their lives from the ground up, piece by piece, creating a mosaic of experiences that speaks to their resilience and adaptability.

Practical Advice for New Immigrants: Navigating the Terrain

Embarking on this journey, newcomers are often in search of a roadmap to guide them through the complex terrain of immigration. Here are some practical landmarks to aid in the navigation process:

Embrace the Journey and Practice Patience

Understanding that the adjustment period is a crucial part of the immigration experience can alleviate the pressure to assimilate quickly. Embracing the journey and being patient with oneself allows for a more organic integration into the new environment.

Discover Communities of Fellow Immigrants

Joining community groups and reaching out to fellow immigrants can provide a supportive network that facilitates the sharing of experiences and the creation of valuable friendships. These connections become an anchor, grounding immigrants in their new home.

Learn the Ropes of Local Culture and Customs

Education is paramount in bridging cultural divides. Actively learning about the customs, traditions, and values of the host country demonstrates respect and commitment to becoming a part of the community.

Build Networks in Your Professional Field

Engaging with professionals in similar career paths can offer invaluable insight into job markets, career development opportunities, and the necessary steps to build a successful professional network in the new country.

Don't Hesitate to Ask for Support

Asking for help is not a sign of weakness but rather a testament to one's willingness to learn and grow. Whether it's seeking guidance from locals or tapping into immigrant support services, reaching out for assistance can smooth the path to integration.

Conveying the Emotional Journey Through Personal Stories

No one can articulate the emotional rollercoaster of immigration quite like those who have lived it. I've experienced moments of overwhelming isolation, where I felt like a stranger in my own skin. Yet, I've also celebrated seemingly small victories—ordering a coffee in fluent English or deciphering the local transit system—that have felt like monumental achievements that solidify my place in this new community.

The Resilience and Strength Found in the Immigrant Spirit

The journey of an immigrant is underscored by resilience and an unwavering spirit of determination. Each obstacle presents an opportunity to demonstrate fortitude, and each triumph stands as a testament to the courage it takes to leave one world behind and embrace another.

In Conclusion: The Immigrant Story Continues

As my personal narrative unfolds in Canada, I am continuously amazed by the human capacity to adapt and thrive in the most challenging of circumstances. The immigrant's journey is not merely one of physical relocation, but a profound voyage of self-understanding, empathy, and the indomitable pursuit of a place to call home. It is my hope that through the sharing of our experiences, we can enrich the tapestry of our collective society and echo the sentiment that, in the end, we are all more alike than different—citizens of a global community, each with a unique and valuable story to tell.


         Axies Digital. (2023, July 31). Bridging the Gap: Merging AI Efficiency with the Human Touch in Content Creation» Axies Digital. Axies Digital.

           Chubb, J., Reed, D., & Cowling, P. (2022). Expert views about missing AI narratives: is there an AI story crisis? AI & SOCIETY.

 Wu, J., Ouyang, L., Ziegler, D. M., Stiennon, N., Lowe, R., Leike, J., & Christiano, P. (2021). Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback. ArXiv:2109.10862 [Cs].


  1. One noteworthy aspect of this essay is the Peace's critical reflection on their experience with Jasper AI and their stance on writing with AI tools. Peace demonstrates depth by considering both the advantages and drawbacks of AI writing tools, showcasing a nuanced understanding of the topic.

    Throughout the analysis, Peace maintains a balanced perspective, recognizing the benefits of AI writing tools for brainstorming and content structuring while also acknowledging their limitations in capturing the nuances of human emotions. This balanced approach contributes to the depth and credibility of the analysis.

    However, while the author highlights the limitations of AI tools in capturing human emotions and maintaining a personal touch in content creation, the essay could further expand on how these shortcomings impact the effectiveness of communication. Additionally, providing concrete examples or case studies to illustrate these points would enhance the depth of their analysis.

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Eryi. You're right in suggesting that the analysis could benefit from further exploration of how AI tools' limitations in capturing human emotions impact the effectiveness of communication. For example, AI writing tools often lack the subtlety needed for narratives that require emotional depth, such as personal immigration stories, resulting in less engaging and impactful content. In marketing, this can lead to a disconnect with the audience, as AI-generated content may struggle to maintain the warmth and sincerity essential for effective brand communication.

      Similarly, in mental health contexts, the inability of AI tools to capture the emotional expression needed for therapeutic writing limits their usefulness. Additionally, AI-generated content might lack the cultural sensitivity and nuance required for effective communication in multicultural settings. To address these limitations, it's important to always critically review AI-generated content and incorporate human feedback, in order to ensure that it aligns with the intended emotional tone and effectively communicates the desired message.

  2. Hi Omodele! Your blog post offers me an insightful exploration into the nuanced role of AI in the realm of digital storytelling and personal narrative construction. The author's personal journey through the utilization of AI tools like Jasper AI, Fotor AI, Getimg.AI, and Spyne, to craft a narrative about immigrating and adapting to a new country, stands as a testament to the potential and limitations of current AI technologies in capturing and conveying human experiences.

    One of the most striking aspects of this post is the critical reflection on the balance between technological assistance and the preservation of the human essence in storytelling. The exploration highlights a pivotal concern in AI-assisted content creation—the tendency of these tools to produce content that, while structurally sound and optimized for SEO, often lacks the depth, warmth, and authenticity that come from genuine human experiences. T


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