Digital Literacy Snapshot -Nilufar Kargasova

Reflecting on my digital journey through a recorded video was a profound experience, offering me a clear view of my digital footprint. I've come to appreciate both the advantages and disadvantages of social media. Platforms like Microsoft Teams and Zoom have become integral to my daily life, facilitating work and study seamlessly. Moreover, exploring my journey has revealed the wealth of free and open knowledge available, enriching my understanding of cultures worldwide.

However, amidst the benefits, I've also encountered drawbacks. Discovering social media at a young age, I lacked filters and readily absorbed everything I encountered online, often comparing myself and my journey unfavorably to others. Instagram, in particular, emerged as a platform that significantly impacted my mental health negatively.

Overall, this reflection underscores the complexity of our digital interactions, highlighting the need for mindfulness and balance in navigating the digital landscape.
