My Digital Literacy Snapshot - Gabby Keiran

 This assignment was easier to create for me than I had originally anticipated. I don't typically create "vlogs" of myself, or recordings of myself speaking in front of a camera, so those clips were the most difficult for me to record. I felt awkward sitting in front of my tablet, speaking to no one... Wondering where I'm supposed to look to make it seem like I'm not floundering for my next word. I think there's a level of discomfort that comes with staring at your own face, like the awkward feeling that you get when you hear your voice on a messaging machine. Apart from that discomfort, this assignment was a great exercise in brevity. Compressing what seems like years of complicated relations with an online community into a three-and-a-half-minute video had me rerecording many clips. It was important for me to emphasize some of the emotional aspects that connect me to the digital world in order to explain what motivates me in my current life. I hope to continue this introspection as I evolve with the apps that sustain our modern society.
