Module 3 Blog, AI Narratives - Gladis Batman

Exploring AI's abilities and the tasks it can perform has been an enjoyable learning experience in this course. I began with AI Novel for writing a story and asked the AI to elaborate on my idea, providing more details and inspiration for the story's direction. Next, I tried Rytr, where I enjoyed editing the writing with different tones, including assertive, convincing, or casual. I was greatly impressed with how this AI could adjust the writing to suit my purpose. Finally, I wanted to visualize my idea, so I used Chibi AI to create a photo based on it.

After reading the article "AI in Fiction and the Future of War" by David C. Benson (2022), and "Expert Views about Missing AI Narratives: Is There an AI Story Crisis?" by Jennifer Chubb, Darren Reed, and Peter Cowling, it inspired me to write a blog section on a positive narrative for AI. I asked AI Rytr to write a blog, selecting a convincing tone with the topic "AI in the Future," using keywords such as the positive narrative of AI, helpful to humanity, assisting in life, health system, energy, and global warming, translation while keeping the data protected. The first version of the blog provided by Rytr exceeded my expectations, and I also enjoyed enhancing it with relevant pictures.

This blog section is written by Rytr

In the not-so-distant future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is set to revolutionize various aspects of our lives, bringing forth a multitude of benefits that will positively impact humanity. From assisting in healthcare systems to tackling global warming, AI holds the potential to shape a brighter future for all.

One significant area where AI can make a profound difference is in the healthcare sector. With its ability to analyze vast amounts of medical data and identify patterns, AI can assist doctors in diagnosing diseases more accurately and efficiently. This technology has the potential to save countless lives by enabling early detection and personalized treatment plans.

Furthermore, AI can play a crucial role in addressing global challenges such as climate change and energy consumption. By leveraging its computational power, AI algorithms can optimize energy usage, leading to more sustainable practices and reducing our carbon footprint. Additionally, AI-powered predictive models can help scientists better understand climate patterns and develop strategies to mitigate the effects of global warming.

Another notable application of AI lies in language translation. With advancements in natural language processing and machine learning algorithms, AI has become increasingly proficient at translating languages with remarkable accuracy. This breakthrough enables seamless communication between individuals from different linguistic backgrounds and fosters cultural exchange on a global scale.

While embracing these advancements, it is essential to prioritize data protection and privacy. As we entrust AI with vast amounts of personal information, it becomes crucial for organizations and policymakers to establish robust safeguards ensuring that sensitive data remains secure from any unauthorized access or misuse.

In conclusion, the future of AI holds immense promise for humanity across various domains. From revolutionizing healthcare systems to combating climate change and facilitating seamless communication through translation services - these advancements have the potential to improve our lives significantly while safeguarding our data privacy along the way. By embracing this positive narrative surrounding AI's capabilities, we pave the way for a better tomorrow where technology works hand in hand with humanity's progress.

To explore more about this AI, I used Chibi AI. I asked the AI to create a photo that shows a collaboration between the human brain and AI, inspired by the reading "Recursively Summarizing Books with Human Feedback." The reading discusses using AI to complete tasks that typically take humans a long time to complete and require different expertise, while having humans provide feedback.

Exploring these AIs was a great experience where I learned that AI can be a great support for human work, facilitating tasks and providing additional inspiration. The idea of collaborating between human ability and AI can lead to more creative tasks. Even though there are many narratives and concerns about AI and its potential impact on humans in the future, such as potential job loss or privacy concerns. According to Chubb et al. 2022 "AI narratives. It is not simply about telling new stories, it is about listening to existing stories and asking what is wanted from AI" (Chubb et al., 2022).


Benson, D. C. (2022). AI in Fiction and the Future of War. The Strategy Bridge.

Chubb, J., Reed, D., & Cowling, P. (2022). Expert views about missing AI narratives: Is there an AI story crisis? AI & SOCIETY.  

Wu, J., Ouyang, L., Ziegler, D. M., Stiennon, N., Lowe, R., Leike, J., & Christiano, P. (2021). Recursively summarizing books with human feedback.
