Digital Literacy Snapshot - Sarah Mate



As a person without much video creation experience, this assignment had a very steep learning curve for me. It took some time to figure out what tools I would need to create my video, and what assets I would need to ensure it was multi-modal. 

I decided to record myself using my phone. By focusing on my face I didn’t have to worry about a background. I drafted speaking notes to guide myself, and tried to focus on looking at my camera lens while I was speaking. Based off my speaking notes, I decided that adding the logos of the platforms I discuss was a great way to achieve the task of including imagery. By adding some intro music and the iconic ICQ “uh oh” noise, I was able to achieve adding sound. To ensure I met all class requirements, I added an intro and an outro to the video of myself speaking.

One thing I would like to note is that I was intentional with using the vertical orientation. I wanted to mimic the style of a TikTok video and show how new media seems to be shifting from a best practice of video created for television screens, to one that is now made for phones (as TikTok videos are). I was disappointed that when I uploaded the video to YouTube that it was published in a landscape frame.

From there, I uploaded the video to YouTube to share here as my formal assignment submission. 

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy my digital literacy snapshot.
